directed by

Paulo Nascimento & Luiz Alberto Cassol


release date


4h39min(10 episodes)

When the COVID-19 pandemic stops the world, a washed-up professional soccer player is forced to play illegal games for the gambling mafia with deadly consequences. The player who loses the game is chosen to get killed.


CAST:  Edson Celulari, Marcio Kieling, Karin Roepke


Directors: Paulo Nascimento e Luiz Alberto Cassol Screenwriters: Paulo Nascimento, Gilberto Perin, Tailor Diniz Executive Producers: Marilaine Castro da Costa e Flavio Barboza Cinematography: Renato Falcão

Art Director: Eduardo Antunes Production Manager: Mônica Catalane Editor: Marcio Papel Costume Designer: Carol Scortegagna