Directed by

Paulo Nascimento




13 episodes / 35min

The series created by Paulo Nascimento addresses the dark side of soccer an unprecedented theme in Brazilian dramaturgy. From the outlook of a young player that is no longer motivated to play, the 13 episode series will address this controversial topic of our reality. Written by Paulo Nascimento in collaboration with Gilberto Perin and Tailor Diniz, the series will be release July 13th on Prime Box Brazil.

Photo by Gilberto Perin

Photo by Gilberto Perin



Directed by: Paulo Nascimento
Executive Producers: Marilaine Castro da Costa & Paulo Nascimento
Cinematographer: Renato Falcão         
Art Director: Eduardo Antunes
Editor: Marcio Papel       
Sound Design: André Sittoni
Music: Silvio Marques